
Gender Concept and Gender-based Violence

Publised Fri 02, 24

🌳Training on “Gender Concept and Gender-based Violence” to community protected area (CPA) and community forestry (CF) 🌳

✨On 27-31 January and 02-06 February, The project “Addressing gender-based violence barriers to women’s participation in community protected area (CPA) and community forestry (CF) management in Cambodia” is an initiative led by RECOFTC in partnership with Gender and Development for Cambodia (GADC) has conducted a 5 days training in Pursat and Kompong Chhnang to 8 target community areas.

🌟Throughout the project, the participants have gained knowledge of gender concepts, gender equality, and gender-based violence linked with environmental context. It is also an opportunity for participants to have a space to discuss and reflect on power dynamics connected to gender-based violence and inspired and connected to promote gender equality in their community.