About Us
Gender and Development for Cambodia (GADC) is a local non-profit and non-political organization. It was admitted to the NGO Good Practice Program (NGO-GPP) for its compliance with all standards in the Code of Ethical Principles and Minimum Standard for NGO in August 2011. GADC works in cooperation with the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) and members of civil society organizations to advocate for gender sensitive projects/programmes, national laws and policies formulation in Cambodia.
The advocacy for gender sensitivities in laws and policies is related to GADC’s emphasis on the need to shift from a focus on women’s roles in development towards a consideration of gendered relations of power, including access to and control over resources, and decision-making by women and men. GADC serves as an intermediary in which information flows between the national and subnational levels (including the grassroots). This intermediary role allows for local needs being responded by the government and national level policies are informed.

A just Cambodia where diverse women and men are equally empowered to participate in and benefit from development and to protect and fulfil their human rights.

To advance gender equality as a fundamental human right.

Equality, Participation, Solidarity
Equality: We believe that everyone, regardless of gender, race, religion, indigenous status or disability, has a right to derive equal benefits from economic, social an political development and the right to equal treatment without discrimination, such as women and girls, who have experienced cultural and historical discrimination, require affirmative actions to protect and fulfill their basic rights. The starting point to all our work is an understanding of power dynamics between different stakeholders in family, community and government. Our work engages men and boys with women and girls to find creative ways to ensure that the benefits of development and political progress are shared fairly in society.
Participation: We believe that all persons should be involved in decision-making that affects their lives, and they should have freedom to express themselves in matters of political representation, economic opportunities, and social protections. Women and girls should participate as equals in matters concerning family and community, and the ability to participate as equal citizens in the state. They should be empowered to hold members of society including representatives of government accountable to commitments of gender equality and to prevention of violence and discrimination. It is equally important to encourage the participation of men and boys in achieving gender equality, and we believe that it is the responsibility of all individuals in society -men, boys, women, girls and gender non-conforming persons- to participate in creating a just and fair society.
Solidarity: We believe in partnerships, building alliances, and supporting each other in all our work. We work through networks such as the Cambodia Men’s Network (CMN) and Gender and Development Network (GADNet), and are accountable to our partners, our supporters, and donors. We respect each other’s differences, but recognize our interdependence on each other in building a gender-inclusive society.