
A LeadwithPride

Publised Fri 01, 24

On January 20 and 21, 2024 in Siem Reap, young women attended a LeadwithPride training, facilitated by Gender and Development for Cambodia stated a leader is not determined by sex, gender identity, or age, but by their qualifications and abilities as well as their skills. However, everyone can surely contribute to creating an environment where women, girls, vulnerable or marginalized groups can have a chance to enhance their capacity and gain full participation in society, especially in leadership roles.

Through Femleading Project, designed to strengthen young women’s capacity for self-reflection, leadership, human rights, and effective communication as part of promoting leadership, it contributes to effective and diverse leadership, especially for young women.

Surely everyone can contribute to creating an inclusive environment where women, girls, vulnerable and marginalized groups can get the opportunity to develop their abilities and gain full participation in society.


The team also would like to thank @Beautiful Life organization for collaborating to provide a safe and welcoming place for learning and exchanging experience with young women.